- Scanning, imaging and depth profiling of materials
- Optoacoustic and thermoacoustic tomography
- Photoacoustic and photothermal imaging in biomedical applications and photothermal therapy using nanoparticles
- Photoacoustic and photothermal imaging and microscopy in material research
- Environmental sensors and applications
- Non-destructive testing and industrial applications
- Spectroscopy, analytical chemistry, nonlinear optics and photochemistry
- Stimulated and spontaneous Brillouin and Raman scattering (acoustic and optical phonons)
- Ultrafast thermo-elastic phenomena and molecular dynamics
- Thermal and elastic properties on nano-scale and IR micro-antennas
- Semiconductors, MEMS, NEMS and phononic bandgap materials
- Complex fluids, phase transitions and glass transitions
- Biological materials, agricultural and food sciences
- New instrumentation and methodology
- Nonlinear effects, large deformations and shock wave physics
- Dynamics of photoinduced processes
- New applications based on photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena
- Laser based IR thermography and ultrasound tomography